How can u gegt help with Payday loans online & some u ne

Submitted by Marrei4 on Tue, 05/08/2007 - 20:20

Preditory Lenders and Payday loan sharks who have all your checking information and keep on taking odd amounts at any time (fees) and then making you nsf. Also when the bank will not stop them, and wait to get your paycheck and say they can not stop them since they are unaware of the amount to stop and the location of these Payday Loan Sharks??? It took me 6 weeks and they closed my account, but in the thousand dollar mark, plus the PD Loan cos still are harrasing me! Help! I am going insane!

Marrei, visit the debt forums link at the top of the page. Repost your story there, and add:

How much you borrowed from each PDL
What state you are in
How much you have repaid to each PDL
Are the PDLs internet or storefront

There is a lot of experience dealing with PDLs on that board.

Wed, 05/09/2007 - 07:05 Permalink

I was going to suggest the same thing. Since the % rate, that PDL's charge, are illegal, it's possible you only need to pay back what you ACTUALLY barrowed..OR... ( depending on your state) the ACTUAL loan +the % rate, that is set by state you reside in.

Mon, 08/27/2007 - 02:00 Permalink

sd, not every PDL is illegal, but OP is likely done with this thread, as it's almost 4 months old.

Mon, 08/27/2007 - 21:29 Permalink

For PDL laws, I would refer you to the debt forums...use the link at the top of the page.

Sat, 09/08/2007 - 15:17 Permalink