credit report is wrong

Submitted by dofolloconnie on Thu, 07/30/2009 - 20:46

my father filed for bankruptcy a few years ago i live with my father his bankruptcy is on my record even we have different soc sec numbers but this does not seem to make any difference this is making my very good record bad what can i do

Do you mean to say this is a misrepresentation? If so then you may dispute it and get it removed from your record. Else, if you have been a co signer then the bankruptcy will remain in your account for at least 7 - 10 years.

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 11:40 Permalink

dofolloconnie ,

When I hear this it always reminds me of the struggle my hubby had with the same exact problem. All his dads bad debt ended up on his report and his mother used his dads name and my hubby social security number to secure loans. You MUST get this dispute process going! The sooner the better. Sent dispute letters to the credit bureaus and evidence to prove this is not your debt. At one point we actually involved the Atty General for assistance. There was so much damage to his report. Thankfully most debt was gotten when he was not yet 18 but it took time to clear up the rest. You can do it. It may take a little time and legwork. Good Luck.

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 12:34 Permalink


I think that used to be common practice for people that did not pay their bills, I know people who have had a utility in every childs name. I think the utility companies have put some protective measures in place now that makes sure that a person is of age, if not, they should at least know that they are hooking up the utility to the same address that they shut it off at for non payment. That part never made sense to me.

I don't think that you should be liable if you are underage and someone else pulls something like this.

Hopefully your husband has gotten it all cleared up.

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 05:29 Permalink
jools (not verified)

there is a mistake on my credit report got in contact with the company and they have closed the account that was a week a go so why is it still on my credit report. will this default which was a mistake on my account be stopping me from getting a mortgage and how long does it take to go from the credit report.

Sat, 08/29/2009 - 08:35 Permalink

Hi jools

You could dispute the record and this should get it off your report.

Sat, 08/29/2009 - 11:18 Permalink
jools (not verified)

how long does it take to come off equifax report as on experian the account does not show up and my credit is good of 900.unfortunately this error on equalfax which the account is not even in my name has not been removed as yet which isuite annoying as im been refused a morgage as my credit rating is failing for some reason thanks

Sun, 08/30/2009 - 22:21 Permalink