not sure I need to send debt validation letter?

Submitted by Nessie1 on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 01:59

I have an old Macy's retail credit card debt that is scheduled to remain on my credit report until Sept 2015. It has always been my intention to repay my debt. Today I recieved a letter from their collection agency stating that my credit card would be reissued if I paid my debt in full.
I am excited to have the opportunity to begin to rebuild my credit which it sounds like this offer will give me the opportunity to do.
My question is this, do I still need to send a debt validation letter even if I am certain that I owe this debt?

Hi Nessie1

It is nice to see that you are eager to pay off your debt and start afresh. Whether you want to send debt validation or not is up to you. However, asking for debt validation is the wise thing to do to see whether you really owe the amount that has been projected. Even after validation, the figure may still be the same. But it is always a better idea to ask for validation before you make any commitments of payment.

Thu, 08/13/2009 - 10:58 Permalink