how can i fix my credit wnen my wifes exs credit shows on my

Submitted by gabrielzalez on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 20:25

mywifes exs bad credit shows on my credit report
we have been married for more the 2 years i have a good credit score but hers its bad he ows lots of many from diff companies and all that is and stiil in my report affecting our credit

If these are not joint accounts then you need to file disputes on these items. If they are joint accounts then you will be liable for half. If you are not on them at all then you need to go to each of the credit reporting sites and file disputes on each of them individually. I suggest that you do it in writing and provide any proof that you may have with the dispute.

Sun, 10/05/2008 - 13:20 Permalink

Gn gave you the best advice here. Just remember to keep a copy of everything you send. If you get a chance stop back and let us know if you are on as a joint person. This really does make a difference.

Sun, 10/05/2008 - 23:09 Permalink

Hi Gabrielzalez
I think that you are the authorized user of your ex-wife's credit cards and so her bad credit is reflected in your credit report. Moreover, you might be the co-signer in her loan agreements. When you co-sign a loan agreement it automatically mean that you are liable to pay back the debt in case the original borrower does not pay it off. Now if you don't pay it off, the outstanding debt will get listed in your credit report and lower your score.

Fri, 10/10/2008 - 11:07 Permalink

Now as per the new FICO 08 model, authorized users report will not show the credit history of the original borrower, but this new FICO model is silent about the existing co-signer obligations. This means that if your credit score has reduced because of your name being included in your ex-wife's credit card as authorized user, it will go off as soon as the new model becomes operative. But if you are a cosigner in her loan agreement which she has not paid back, the listing will remain on your credit report.

Fri, 10/10/2008 - 11:12 Permalink