Willing to pay the loan, minus the interest

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/16/2013 - 12:13

I took out a loan with Green Picket/Northway financial. I've since closed my bank account. They started to call me, threatening wage garnishment, etc. I sent them a letter (text copied from this site, thank you!) telling them it was an illegal loan, I was revoking wage assignment, etc. I got an email stating they are in Malta and governed by their laws (I live in TX). They have waived the interest I owed on the loan. My question is this - can I tell them I am willing to pay the loan, minus the interest I have already paid? Is this one of those "doesn't hurt to ask" questions?

Anonymous. (not verified)

You owe them only the principal balance, nothing more than that. Simply close down your old bank account and open a new one to stop debiting money from your account. Ask them for the refund, if you have overpaid them.

Thu, 10/17/2013 - 04:37 Permalink

You don't owe them the interest rate and so there's no question of paying off the interest rates. You owe them only the principal amount and so you ought to demand a refund in case you've overpaid.

Thu, 10/17/2013 - 05:02 Permalink