Can I appeal a summary judgement?

Submitted by loveprincess73 on Fri, 09/10/2010 - 14:27

I answered the court summons that i received so I could dispute chyrsler financial sueing me about a repossed car. I did not submitt the proff I had I thought i would do that when i went to court, but little did i know about a summary judgement and so i will not have the chance to submitt my proff. Is there a way to appeal this judgement in the state of ga? I went to court house yesterday and they were not any help, they told me to submit the paperwork but I need to find my own paperwork? would it just be better to file bankruptcy? I cant afford to have my wages garnish nor pay for an attorney?

Hi loveprincess,

I need to find my own paperwork?

You need to find that immediately.

would it just be better to file bankruptcy? I cant afford to have my wages garnish nor pay for an attorney?

It is better to avoid filing bankruptcy. You can try settling this debt with Chrysler Financial. Get the settlement agreement in writing. Settlement lowers your outstanding debt amount by 40-60%.



Sat, 09/11/2010 - 10:27 Permalink