after charge off can the amount owed go up.

Submitted by andraflowers on Sun, 10/17/2010 - 14:20

Hello, I wanted to know I have a credit card that has been charged off as bad debt. But the past due amount keeps going up with the original creditor.

Thanks in advance.

each state has laws that allow interest to be charged on unpaid debt.

do you have all your credit reports?
what state are you in?
what is the original creditor and the name of the CA?
what is the date of first delinquency? 30 days after last payment

this information will help me make suggestions specific to your case. The state will determine the statue of limitations for this debt. knowing the name of the OC original creditor, will help show if there is a specific govt regulating agency that can help so rt out the truth. Knowing the exact dates is very important too.

Sun, 10/17/2010 - 18:17 Permalink