payday loans

Submitted by stephanie on Sun, 02/27/2011 - 23:26

Have 4 payday loans totalling 1000, closed bank acct before funds coming out, last one due to come out this week, did not have money to pay back, really want to set up pymt arrg or consolodate all into one, I am scared I will go to jail, or they can legally sue

#anonymous (not verified)

If you can't repay your loans a lawsuit may be filed, but then that will be a civil lawsuit. I don't think it will be considered as a criminal offense.

Mon, 02/28/2011 - 07:15 Permalink

It's actually a good idea to repay your loans, but then please check if all 4 of them are licensed to operate within your state. If not, then you're only liable to repay the principle amount.

Mon, 02/28/2011 - 07:21 Permalink
#anonymous (not verified)

Debt consolidation is certainly a good way of repaying your debt. But, you may also try and negotiate with your creditor to set up a self-repayment plan first.

Mon, 02/28/2011 - 07:28 Permalink