Pay for Delete letter to Collections?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 11/16/2010 - 07:27

Hi there,
I would like some assistance.
About a year ago, I took a few college courses at a local community college., I did not qualify for financial aid, and thus paid mostly out of pocket for schooling.
I had set up a payment plan with the college and had paid most of it off until they sent the remaining balance to a collection agency. I panicked.

So now I owe the collection agency to be able to even register for additional classes to finish my degree. Do I pay off the debt (which is like $200.00) I was thinking to send a pay for delete letter to the collections agency. Is this a good idea?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm just a college student trying to make it through school.
Thank you

You have to approach accurately reported negative information differently. Credit bureaus won’t remove accurate, verifiable information even if you dispute it, so you may have to negotiate to have some items removed from your credit report. A pay for delete offer is a technique you can use with delinquent accounts. Basically, you offer to pay the account in full in exchange for having the negative details removed from your credit report. Some creditors will take you up on the offer and others won’t.

Fri, 07/25/2014 - 09:27 Permalink