Your time

Submitted by goodnatured on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 02:48

I took my vehicle to the dealership today to get the oil changed, I would not do this but it is still under warranty and they check all my hoses, belts, fluid levels, air pressure and greased all my hinges along with the oil change for the same price. So, it is worth it to me.

Anyway, while I was there, I went into the show room and noticed a little old man walking around all by himself, I jokingly ask him if he wanted to take the pick up in the showroom for a test drive and that he could drive, he looked at me like I had lost my mind and then started talking to me. He said what about that car out there and pointed out the window to his 2007 Lexus, he proudly said it was his and that he was there to trade it in, he said that he gets a new one each model year. He only had 4000 miles on it. We joked around about the weather, the police in town and little things and he was saying that he wanted them to come down another $500 for the new one. We talked about his new car that was in another dealership and I asked him, why he would trade it out, does he just like the smell of the new leather. I found out from him that he takes his car there and gets it thoroughly cleaned and waxed by the dealership too.

After chatting with the kind old gentlemen for a while I went back to see if my car was done. I asked the girl at the service desk if he really traded every year, she said yes, ever since his wife died, he spends a lot of time there. If they call him to come in at 3:00 pm to get his car cleaned he will show up at 1:00 pm. At that moment, I felt so bad for him, I could not imagine how lonely his life is. I am glad I took that few minutes to talk to him and to lure him into a conversation. He seemed to enjoy it and I did not know his story, had I know, it would have reflected more in sympathy, so I am glad that I did not know. I hope I run into him again. We can chat again.

You never know someone’s story, or how just a few minutes of your time can make a little difference in their day, so never pass up the opportunity, if you are just waiting around for your car, or in a doctors office or any other waiting situation, spend it wisely, start a conversation, it will make you feel good too and make your wait a little more comforting.

hi good nature i find myself doing this all the time but i try to go a step futher i try to help the whle world which can be a problem. i love helping people and im a firm believer in never judgeing people unlessyouve walked in thier shoes you dont know what theyve been thourgh, so dont judge for someday you to may walk in the shoes they walk in now. god bless you for takeing the time and im sure it will come back to you in some form of a blessing watch and see.

Fri, 01/11/2008 - 23:19 Permalink

So you went for an oil change and ended up talking to a lonely man, how wonderful, he probably felt like a social butterfly after you two talked. He may be more outgoing and talk to others more. LOL, I could imagine the look on his face when you asked him to drive the truck for a test drive, you probably made his day.

I know we often get too busy or feel we are intruding on other people if we start conversation, I think what you did is cool, most of the time people will let you know if they don’t want bothered. They will be short with you or just ignore you all together. I would wonder how many people have seen this gentleman and just blew him off.

I think this story is sad, but inspiring also, I think a simple smile will provoke a conversation between stangers. Sometimes we both need to conversate with those that we don’t know, never hurts but may heal just a little in this man’s case.

Great point dadummy, hope it does come back to goodnatured, ten fold

Fri, 01/11/2008 - 23:54 Permalink

I would just like to say how wonderful it is that you have a sociological mind. You are comfortable to engage in social output and at the same time have a kind heart. Those two qualities are beautiful and make you part of a handful of people. I sometimes meet people and wonder what their story is? Lifes are so complex they could have the craziest story but either way its always so interesting to others. I enjoy that you were glad to have met this man before you knew his story because you wanted to avoid sympathy. I bet you made his day:)

Sat, 01/12/2008 - 01:37 Permalink

Not many people would take a minute out of their VERY important cell phone conversation to talk to someone, even if it was to say "Excuse me" after bumping into another person in the eisle at the grocery store.

I know your not the person I characterized, cause I can sense your warmth towards others... What you did was great!! You are an asset in this forum....

Sat, 01/12/2008 - 05:48 Permalink

i work with the elderly..( my 'full time' job). I go home-to-home, and help with whatever I can. It's very sad to see that their own families have "blown them off." I have 'worked' with a few people, even if the family lives 5 minutes away, they don't come visit the person, etc. It's sad to see. I love what I do. Sometimes it can get frustrating, but....anything in life can be.

Sat, 01/12/2008 - 10:22 Permalink

What a nice story and what nice comments from the readers too, you all have such wonderful minds and hearts, I see through reading through some of the threads that some of your work with the elderly and some of you are in social work, you are the best people for the job. Or may be you are the way you are because of your job, either way you all take the human factor into consideration. I think this is commendable.

My family does volunteer work, we see some of the unfortunate things that happen to people. When there is an event, it is nice to see the older folks out parading about, it gives them time to interact and socialize, they could meaningly volunteer too, even if it is just to hand out the name tags, it makes them feel so good to be involved. bless all your hearts, everyone.

Sat, 01/12/2008 - 13:14 Permalink

god blessall the old people they are our wisdom

Sat, 01/12/2008 - 18:56 Permalink