An account settled but still forwarded to colletor

Submitted by isiene22 on Tue, 05/03/2011 - 10:35

My daughter was at the emergency room last year. After the insurance had paid their part, the hospital send me the remaining balance. I called the hospital and negotiated for a paid in full settelement (lump sum). I paid the agreed amount, but few weeks later, a collection agency contacted me about debt. What should I do. I live in houston

Anonymous (not verified)

Did you receive anything in writing from your creditor regarding the settlement? Have you got an acknowledgment from their side after you made the payment? See, you should have kept written record of this communication, otherwise it will not hold good in the court of law. They may have sold it to a collection agency for a better offer.

Tue, 05/10/2011 - 05:06 Permalink