can I dispute a validation

Submitted by california gal on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 02:10

I received a validation from Nelson Watson and its not right the amount is wrong that I owe plus I dont see all the creditors on there I am disputing the validation can I do that?

As they have not sent satisfactory proof, you should send a copy of your receipt of your registered mail, the copy of the letter you had sent and a letter stating that they have not complied with the FDCPA and it is a violation of the Act. Tell them to remove the listing from the CR as a collection agency cannot report a debt to the credit bureaus which has not been validated. If they do not contact the CRA and have the listing removed then you should file a lawsuit as per section 809(b) of FDCPA against them.


Tue, 02/13/2007 - 02:35 Permalink