Oregon law

Submitted by tikas2709 on Thu, 07/29/2010 - 05:11

My husband and I are legally married in the state of Oregon. we both have our own homes, and each are NOT listed on each other propertys. I have several thousand dollars worth of Credit card debit. Can they come after my husband for that? We are considering divcoress but just haven't filed. The debt was accured while married, he had no idea. He is not a signer on any of the cards.

Hi tikas,

Welcome to this community :)

Oregon is not a community property state, so the creditors won't be able to go after your husband for debts incurred by you. However, if there are any such assets or accounts held jointly then they may garnish or put lien on those. Moreover, if it was joint debt, then both of you may have to pay on the debt after divorce.

However, this is quite a complicated case. So, I think it is better to take help from a divorce attorney.



Thu, 07/29/2010 - 06:21 Permalink
tika (not verified)

Thanks so much for the update. I spoke to a attorney, today and they told me the same. Even though my husband and I are going through divorces, I would never stick him with obligations that are not his. It's not the right thing to do. We own no joint accounts together.

Thu, 07/29/2010 - 19:08 Permalink