Reinserted Entry

Submitted by fantoos1999 on Sat, 10/16/2010 - 14:24

After the dispute entry was resinserted by Equifax. I wrote them back demanding that it should be removed immediately because that entry was there, then it was gone due to a dispute, then it was there again, and they didn't notify me when it was reinserted.

Letter was sent 3 weeks ago, and I just pulled the recent Equifax report entry is still there. Eventhough I'm still waiting to get their reply in the mail I have feelings that they are not going to remove it.

If they refuse to remove the entry what are my other options . Can I get by without sueing CRA?

Please help!

I would file a complaint with the AG. Did you write EX by CMRRR?

why was this reinserted? have you disputed directly with the Tradeline owner?

Sat, 10/16/2010 - 14:32 Permalink

Thanks for the reply.

Yes the letter was CMRRR.
I did not dispute direclty with Tradeline owner, disputed with EX and the reason was tradeline got reinserted without notifying me within 5 days.

This was the same zombie debt tradeline that I disputed recently and was deleted.

Complain to AG about EX or Tradeline owner?? And what would be my next step after I file complaint to AG??

Sat, 10/16/2010 - 14:45 Permalink

1. if this was reinserted, then tell me how it was originally deleted?

2. file a complaint against EX and send a copy of your letter and green card

do you have all your credit reports?
what state are you in?
what is the original creditor and the name of the CA?
what is the date of first delinquency? 30 days after last payment

this information will help me make suggestions specific to your case. The state will determine the statue of limitations for this debt. knowing the name of the OC original creditor, will help show if there is a specific govt regulating agency that can help so rt out the truth. Knowing the exact dates is very important too.

Sat, 10/16/2010 - 14:58 Permalink

This debt went into delinquency in 1994. Since 1994 I never had any contact or communication with any debt collector nor were any payments ever made. I'm sure SOL has expired on this account.

It looks like some zombie collector bought this debt and reporting it with false new activity.

So I filed the dispute along with the DV letter sent to CA, waited 30 to 45 days and finally tradeline was removed successfully. New reports with deleted item were sent to me. I'm keeping everything on file (green cards, DV letter to CA and reports with and without the negative tradeline).

Month later when I checked the credit reports, EX was showing the same account again. TU and EXPERIAN reports were still clean. So I sent the dispute letter to EX stating that item was reinserted and I was not notified within 5 days. I also attached the recent report and previous report with letter from CRA saying item was deleted.

OC and CA both are from California because I lived there at that time. Now I live in Texas.
Reinserted dispute letter was sent 3 weeks ago, I have not received the mail reply yet, but the reason I'm asking for the advice is that, what if EX dont remove negative tradeline. What action I can or cannot take?
Just trying to be proactive....because I need to purchase a car real soon and this useless entry is hurting my credit score.


Sat, 10/16/2010 - 19:42 Permalink

TX sol is 4 years.

TX has good laws for consumers on credit. I would look around for a consumer attorney.

who is the OC? who is the CA?

suing them would not work quickly, but a complaint might.

Sat, 10/16/2010 - 19:57 Permalink

A consumer attorney can sue them in state or federal court and bill the other side

Tue, 10/19/2010 - 11:29 Permalink

It has been over 30 days no reply from Equifax yet. My report was not the free report, they should have replied by now. Please advice??

Tue, 10/26/2010 - 23:27 Permalink