How can I dispute a negative credit report to Experian

Submitted by jamescmanuel on Sat, 03/05/2011 - 04:55

Sometime in Dec 2009 I went to Washington Hospital (WH) at Fremont for my right knee pain. Actually, I don't have any health insurance but I am a recipient of a free medical plan under the Alameda County Indigent Medical Program at the Highland Hospital(HH) in Oakland. I was informed by my co-employee that I just go to WH because it admits patient even without insurance and for charity's sake....and for convenience...since it is close to my residence...unlike HH, which is almost an hour drive. Considering that it is past 12 midnight, I followed the suggestion of my co-worker.

At the admission office, I told the admitting clerk of the fact that I have no health insurance; that I am entiled to a free medical treatment if I go to HH; that since HH is quite far and that there is no more available public transpo(bus line) to bring me there, I opted to be treated in their hospital(WH); that I cannot afford to pay the bill, if they will charge me later for the admission, and would rather avail of the free services of the HH, if they will make me pay; that I am requesting that I just be considered as a charity patient by the hospital(WH)...for all these preliminaries, the admitting clerk just responded: IT'S OK; it's OK!!!

From all indications, I was confident that I have no problem with my admission and that I have nothing to worry about any bill from the WH. I was treated and at early morning, I was discharged.

After a month, I returned to the same hospital for my diarrhea problem. I told the same thing to the same admitting clerk, who again told me: IT'S OK;IT'S OK!!!

But after a couple of months , I received a bill for my two(2) confinements, to the tune of $8,000+, in addition to separate doctor's bill of around $300+

I replied to the hospital and to the doctor disputing the validity of my debt....because as for me, I owe nothing to them.....considering the response of the clerk : IT'S OK! IT'S OK!! I told them the admitting clerk responses is needs no interpretation but only application; i.e. that I have nothing to worry about any bill. And considering that the clerk is considered an agent of the hospital, it is bound by its statement in accordance with a basic legal principle "that the act of the agent is the act of the principal"....and because of this , I requested that the alleged debt be written-off.

Despite my request, nothing did I hear from the hospital nor the doctor rebutting my allegations; instead it just sent me the bills over and over again, until they referred same to the collection agency.

I responded to the letter of the collection agency, disputing the validity of the bill , reiterating the same reply I earlier sent to the hospital and to the doctor as well. But again, they did not rebut anything and just reiterating their demand from me to pay, now with interest.

The other day I requested a credit report from the 3 credit bureau only to find out that I have a negative report at Experian from a collection agency...i.e. from the doctor's collection agency; WH may follow suit.

Please advise me what to do in order to erase this negative report from my credit report.

Thank you so much.