i have 15 negitive things

Submitted by greenlifeglobal on Sun, 08/17/2014 - 03:17

If I have 15 negative items . which items should I keep on their and try to pay down and which ones should I just try to get off.

Samuel.B (not verified)

Remove all the negative items from your credit report as early as possible to rebuild your credit score and get a financial secured life

Thu, 08/21/2014 - 13:36 Permalink
budget/credit (not verified)

Get your credit cards balances down first (30%of limit), then start to pay off negative debt. Go after the lowest debt first.

Thu, 12/25/2014 - 04:06 Permalink
creditrepairqueen (not verified)

It all depends on what those negative items are.

Collections, Judgments, Tax Liens, ChargeOffs are all items that need to be disputed with the credit bureaus and request deletion for inaccurate reporting that you may find on your credit reports.

If you high balances on your credit cards, which are affecting your credit utilization, then you need to pay down those balances to 20% of your credit limit to receive optimal results.

If you need a credit report analysis done to detail what you need to, I can provide you one for free.

Sat, 01/31/2015 - 01:38 Permalink