Can fraud happen via SSN?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 06/22/2007 - 07:34

Hi this is Sandy,

This is a simple question to all. I have never used a credit card nor do I intend to and therefore do not have any credit history. But I know that my SSN can be mischievously used to borrow credit.

Recently I found out that my sister-in-law who has never made a credit has a credit report which reflects five credits for the past two years. Her SSN has been used. She has put a fraud alert but the damage is done. I really don’t want a mess like that.
Can anyone provide me with a suggestion?


Hi Sandy,

Welcome to our community.

A social security number is our identity. We should be really careful when we give it out to someone.
Make sure that you dont give out personal information over the phone. Sometimes people ask your ssn in public, say during a banking transaction, and we say it aloud. Eavesdropping is quite common and someone might take down your number while you are giving it out. Be careful.

What you can do is, even if you do not have credits you can pull out your credit reports half yearly. This will help you keep track of what is going on right? In case of any fraudulence contact the Credit Reporting Agencies (CRA) and dispute the items if they are not yours.

Take Care. :|

Fri, 06/22/2007 - 07:58 Permalink

I think she needs to file a police report for ID theft, and get sworn affidavits (have her get as many as she telling how many she'll need). I believe she'll have to send copies to the CRAs and each creditor/debt collector.

You can file a fraud alert (valid for 6 months) with one CRA, and they'll forward it to the others. You can also put a freeze on your credit report, and no one is supposed to be able to pull it without your consent, and all pre-screened credit offers will cease. You can check out the details on the FTC website

Sun, 06/24/2007 - 08:18 Permalink
Sandy (not verified)

Thanks Laura
Thanks Morningstar

Atleast thats a relief. I have filed a police report with the local police. But yes i have asked her to do an affidavit and keep several copies for further requirements.

I will be putting a credit freeze on my account. How do i go about it?

i appreciate your help!! :)

Thu, 06/28/2007 - 08:25 Permalink