Hi there, I must say that you have done a wonderful job on y

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 22:58

I happened upon this site while following the links from another site. Your site is wonderful and i bookmarked it. Thank your for the hard work you must have put in to create this wonderful facility. Keep up the excellent work

Thank you girlsSpoome , it really does take a lot of effort to keep up a site and time too. I hope you will become a member and join our site. There really is alot to learn and maybe you can even help another person out. The economy out there is sure scary and more and more people are finding themselves cought up in the credit nightmare. Having a place to go where you can get help or just someone to listen is great. Again welcome to the forum.

Tue, 07/21/2009 - 23:18 Permalink