Information on Creditors Reporting to Credit Bureaus

Submitted by Arya on Wed, 08/26/2009 - 16:34

How does an owner financed mortgage that went through a closing and is actually being financed by a person; be reported to the Credit Bureau? Do they have to legally?

Hi Arya

An owner finance cannot be reported because in this case there is no third party involved. By third party I mean a creditor, a lender or a mortgage financing company.

Thu, 08/27/2009 - 10:41 Permalink
Neil Suffa (not verified)

Carol - Your answer is not actually correct. There is a lender, the owner and there is a creditor, the individual. All that is missing is a party licensed to report to the credit bureaus. Personally, I think that is farce.

Tue, 08/31/2010 - 17:55 Permalink