How much do collection accounts affect your score in the gra

Submitted by docjmartin88240 on Sat, 01/09/2010 - 00:54

Hey everybody just have a quick question to which I've been unable to find an answer on. I have been working on my credit for two months now and after a visit with my broker I was excited to find out that I'm just shy of approval by 28 points. Since then I have successfully "paid to delete" two collection accounts that were reported about four months ago totaling over $600.00. I know it varies greatly but how much do collection accounts really affect your score? Think I'll get the 28 points? I also had my fiance who has great credit add me as an authorized user on one of her oldest cards with a very low balance and 0 late payments...Thanks in advance...

If both collection accounts are deleted, your score should definitely increase; if they are a more recent collection account, your score usually increase more...than if it were an older account.

Sat, 01/09/2010 - 02:40 Permalink

Are there any more collections accounts left? The biggest jump will be from 1 to zero collections accounts.

Sat, 01/09/2010 - 13:34 Permalink