can you get out of debt forever?

Submitted by Dadummy on Sun, 01/06/2008 - 00:17

can you get out of debt forever? i have paid offf cards and then something goes wrong and i run them back up. i have one card almost paid off but im sure it wont stay that way someone will need something or ill get a major break down. i used a lot for christmas but ill get them paid in the next six months but id like to start saveing some for when i need it then i wont have to use them seems like i never get that far. all the insurances and taxes get me now the gas will i ever see the end or is it a continued whirlwind.

It is possible but it takes following many things. shopping around for the best deals, using coupons, cutting out frivoulous spending. For those emergencies you should have a savings account with at least enough money to support you for 6 months.

Sun, 01/06/2008 - 00:36 Permalink

You can be debt free if you plan and save, you may not be able to predict the major breakdowns, but if you have a little money saved up at least you will have some saved up and you won't have to put as much on the cards if something should happen.

about christmas, you will have to become more disciplined there also, shop all year, like avengerki said, shop around the sales and specials you will be able to save a few bucks there.

You are here posting so you can set your forum money aside for christmas savings or save until you have enough to pay something off. You do a good job here so, it should not take you long to build up a good bit of money.

I seen on another thread that your dog is in heat, are you planning on breeding and selling the pups? There is money that you did not plan on having, put some of it away, the opportunities are there and when they are there you have to take advantage of them. goodluck, I think if you get organized and follow some of the tips that the forum members have given you, you will do great. So, yes I believe you can become and stay debt free if you work at it. goodluck dadummy, you can do it.

Sun, 01/06/2008 - 01:33 Permalink

hi Avengerki,

Great to see you here :).

Mon, 01/07/2008 - 10:44 Permalink