I have been trying to start payments on a 2004 delinqient CC

Submitted by donnieknewbetter on Wed, 02/27/2008 - 06:22

I have have saved all my collection letters; one collector gets turned over to another collection agency and so on. Can't locate creditor/collector to make payments. I called the original creditor and they said they passed it on to bla bla bla collection agency. I have called original creditor back and forth and no one is holding my account, the original creditor doesn't even want it. I am preparing a letter to the credit bureaus detailing all this, including phone numbers I have called and the great effort I have made. I want to demand that the creditor and debt be removed from my report. I am new to this, ANY ADVICE?

Dispute the entries...there are sample letters to be found on this website.

Wed, 02/27/2008 - 09:02 Permalink
emanace78 (not verified)

Dont give them any bank acounts sa they will empty it up, Dispute ur debt and most likely they wont be able to provide with 100 % proof so they can pursuit, then the credit buriau would hace to take collection off ur report, the older the debt is , the harder it is for the collection agency to provide proof as it changes from agency to agency.

Fri, 03/14/2008 - 04:27 Permalink

Just dispute with the bureaus. I am sure this will be removed.

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 10:30 Permalink

I have disputed a few items and thought they should have been easy to get removed, not the case at all. Seems the collection agencies dug up enough proof to convince the credit reporting agencies to keep it on the report.

I have a dispute in right now, I have an original creditor and a collection agency reporting on the same debt, two negative hits for one bad account, hopefully this can be handled right at the reporting agency, does anyone know how this works when you have two on there like this?

Sat, 03/15/2008 - 11:12 Permalink


Disputing a debt that can be proven so easily...its not going to work. You could rather work on a pay for delete with the CA.

Mon, 03/17/2008 - 07:23 Permalink