not much credit

Submitted by bigdaaa on Mon, 03/16/2009 - 20:24

only have car credit and 1 tv loan payment and a bunch of closed accounts. score is 508?

you should apply for a small credit card, charge little and pay monthly payments so that it will build a payment history for you. I did this myself with a store card, mine is fashion bug, so you could apply to about any store that offers credit cards. goodluck hope you can get this accomplished. Not sure how long it takes to start raising your score though.

Mon, 03/16/2009 - 22:13 Permalink

First try to pay off the car loan because auto loans comes with repossession agreement and it you default on your auto loan, the creditor can repossess you car and sell it off to recover the debt. If you have money after paying the car loan, pay off the TV loan. When these loans are repaid, try to come to a pay for deletion agreement with the creditor and pay off the already closed accounts.

Tue, 03/17/2009 - 05:01 Permalink