Paid medical collections

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 07/26/2010 - 06:51


I saw somewhere that paid medical collections under $100 were no longer affecting scores with FICO 08. And I have 2 questions regarding that.

First is does anyone know if that's true?

And my second question is if that's true, if there are lates on credit report in addition to the collections, would it be better to leave the collections on the credit report at the "top" of that bucket, so you weren't lumped in with those folks without collections.

Hi Bple,

Can I know from where did you get this information. If this is true then it's good news indeed.

First is does anyone know if that's true?

I don't know of this.

if that's true, if there are lates on credit report in addition to the collections, would it be better to leave the collections on the credit report at the "top" of that bucket, so you weren't lumped in with those folks without collections.

No, it is not good to let the collections stay there on the top. This can limit the improvement in your credit score.



Mon, 07/26/2010 - 09:04 Permalink

I have not heard about this 'new rule' to my knowledge a collection is a collection regardless of amount.

Mon, 07/26/2010 - 23:25 Permalink