Credit card payments

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/09/2010 - 05:26

Hi friends,

I have two cards and I cannot afford to make payments on them anymore. What is the best action to take? Should I tell them I will not be able to pay these in the near future? Send a cease and desist letter?

I have no home phone only cell that I can have their number blocked from harassing me. What can expect as far as charge-off times, collection agencies buying the debt, suing me? Is there anything else they can do to me?

Hi Pat,

If you have not defaulted on these credit card accounts till now, you can talk to your creditors about your financial crisis and negotiate for a repayment plan. This will give you some time to save up some money so that you can make payments.



Thu, 09/09/2010 - 07:11 Permalink