Anserwing Complaint? Need Help

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 03/24/2012 - 16:57


I was served a complaint by Coast Mitigation & Associates for a CC debt by HSBC that was charged off 12/08.
I had never recieved nothing in the mail by the Plaintiff's prior to being served. My supervisor got a call at work in Jan/12 and was informed about serving some papers and gave me number and info to call about. I called and spoke to a Dean Perry and told him i have never recieved nothing on this and to send me out some account info and verification then i would get back. He would not give no info and refused to give address. I told him i would not give out any information or pay nothing until i know who im dealing with. I looked up the name and found pages and pages of distrubing things about this company or who they claim to be. They never seny any account information and on March 16th i was served the papers at home,
I sent my Deny answer to the court and a copy of it along with a debt validation to them. I have read into some things and seen about a motion to discovery but am confused on this. When should i send it? When i hear back with a date from the court or 30 days if i don't hear back or recieve nothing from the Plaintiff?

Anything of interst or help would be appreciated.