Unresponded validation letter - What next?

Submitted by KCC on Fri, 07/06/2012 - 15:56

I sent a validation letter to MCI on May 25, 2012 (certified) quoting the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and asking that they stop collection and reporting until they validate the debt. NO RESPONSE. Then on June 25, 2012 they reported it to the credit bureau and then reported it again on July 5, 2012. I have no problem paying as the debt is only $81 but I would prefer a pay for delete........especially given how frequently they report. I believe the debt is showing up under MCI and then again under a CA. What should my next step be?

Thanks sdchargers_63. They have responded and simply said that they've checked and the debt is valid and since they are the original creditor collecting their own debt they are not a debt collector and the any request for debt validation is not applicable. So, since they are the original creditor and it was only an $81 debt, I've sent them a Pay for Delete letter. I hope they go for it, because I've noticed they've reported negatives twice in 1 month. On the date they received my letter in addition to their usual monthly reporting time.

Tue, 07/10/2012 - 20:43 Permalink

Hi Leila! Thank you.

They've received my PFD Letter on July 12, 2012 but have not yet responded. I will try your suggestions with another DVL. I did outline everything clearly in the PFD letter as I used the sample.

At what point, if at all would I supply this information to the CRAs?

I am beginning to wonder if I am better off paying the small debt and it showing up as paid in full rather than leaving it unpaid and it showing up as in collections or charge-off.

Fri, 07/27/2012 - 13:27 Permalink

If a CA is also reporting this debt to the CRAs should I go through the process (DV, PFD etc) with them also?

Fri, 07/27/2012 - 13:32 Permalink

They've finally responded to my PFD and all they say is they've received my notification of dispute and are unable to comply with my request based on the information provided. If I should have further information that I would like to provide regarding the dispute to call.

I'm not sure how to proceed now. It's such a small amount and I'm ready to pay it but I want it off my CR. Any suggestions???

Tue, 07/31/2012 - 23:35 Permalink
crorkz matz (not verified)

bIUOdW I am so grateful for your article.Really looking forward to read more. Really Great.

Tue, 08/05/2014 - 15:13 Permalink