Bad Me--same old story

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 12/13/2012 - 07:37

Well, you can guess how I arrived here. I've only been a moron for a few months. Some days it feels likes years, other days it just feels like days.

I'm in a bad place now. Sticky threads will be examined as I know they're there for a reason. I'm not an idiot, I only play one in real life as of late...

I know the information and example letters will be of assistance to my situation. I'm not looking to run or bail on legitimate debt unless there is a legitimate legal venue.

Perhaps it's in the sticky posts? I have to get these collection calls directed to the phone I signed on to my creditor with. My relatives don't owe for me. Thanksgiving 2012 was the worst ever. People I love pulling me aside to share a "dirty little secret". I've always been responsible with one bad settlement in 30 years.

Now this. My creditor has never once contacted me by phone, email, or online account records attempted to contact me. Nor by US Postal Service other than bills with a huge late fee attached. Email account has current offers for goods and services.

I've got collectors calling everyone but me on the phone I've had for 10 years that I activated my card with. Why are they calling everyone but me? I'm just flabbergasted. I'm in a hole yes but I live alone and no one owes for me but me. Why aren't creditors coming to me?

I've not gone to them yet for fear and concern that legal assistance might be needed. Is there any known good/legal reason creditors choose to contact family over direct communication with a debtor?

Insight much appreciated, even if it leads to the sticky threads tacked above. Embarassment doesn't help anything and yes, there have been FTC violations. My debt has been mentioned to family members, my phone records can be verified as well as my other electronic communications.

My Mother will soon be 80 and these calls aren't doing any good for either of us. I'll find a way to bring resolve to the situation. I've been out of town for work the better part of the year. I knew there would be issues with homecoming, going to collections without a threat caught me off guard. I'll deal with it.

But the phone calls directed towards family? It's relentless and unneccesary. I'm their guy, by all means they should have my exact, direct one and only phone number.

Any great advice appreciated!

I'm not a big Christmas spender, happy to be home and I'd love nothing more than a peaceful holiday with those I love. With these calls to everyone else I'll be ashamed to partake in any festivity. I understand the tactic but if you desire payment why not call the debtor?

They want me to call them? .223 under the chin would be less fuss less muss. Boom! Done.

Is there a legitimate reason I wasn't informed, is there a legitmate reason to call several people other than myself while I do have a standing phone account? That's my thing, it just seems wrong.

I'll pour through the posted stickys, I know there's a wealth of info there. If there's a quick fix to the phone calls, I need it like last month. TIA!!! My life has never been worse. I don't wanna sue, I don't want out but I want the innocent left alone. It's not their business, it's not their problem. Stress kills, better me than them.

I'm not worried about the credit. I'll do the best I can to resolve everything. The phone calls to the wrong indivduals are going to kill me.

Thanks and a Merry Christmas most significant to you this time of year!