disputing debt when faced with being sued

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 04/12/2013 - 02:37

I was just informed that my cosigner was notified of an attempt to collect a debt that I don't believe I owe. She was told that she had 21 days to pay or she was being sued. Of course this puts me in a tough position. Is there any way I can stop these proceedings without admitting I owe the debt. They claim I owe $2000 on an origonal debt of $1000 and it has been six years since the origonal debt. The statute of limitations is 6 years in my state and it's about to expire. I have not kept the reciepts because it's been so long but I can get the cancelled checks from the bank for a fee. Even if these don't add up to the $1000 because I paid some of them with certified check does it still prove that there claim is wrong and thus invalid? Do I have any options here besides just paying money I don't owe so my cosigner doesn't have to be put in this position? Will most collection agencys negotiate a lower amount or agree to a payment plan if I decide to go ahead and pay it to avoid the hassle. I don't have the money since I lost my job a while back. Please help

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If the SOL period in your state has expired, then the collection agency won’t be able to take any legal action against you. Ask them to validate the debt first. If they don’t give any valid proof, then send them a Cease and Desist letter.

Fri, 04/12/2013 - 04:15 Permalink
imsarahelpme (not verified)

They say I have 21 days to pay in full or they are taking us to court. Will a debt validation letter stop this until they respond and if the statute of limitations expires during this time is the matter considered done with. Thank you for the earlier reply

Fri, 04/12/2013 - 16:36 Permalink
imsarahelpme (not verified)

To clarify we were issued a summons and we have 21 days to file a written answer with the court. This was a surprise. What would be the best way to proceed.

Sat, 04/13/2013 - 15:24 Permalink