Status has not changed

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 04/11/2013 - 11:51

I recently sent a debt validation to a CA of mine that has been on my credit report for about three years. They in turn have sent me a letter back stating that it would be helpful to have a copy of any documentation you may have that supports your dispute. In the interim, we have requested the 3 major consumer credit reporting agencies change the status of this account to "Disputed". I just pulled my credit card and the status has not changed. What can I do? Do I have to send them any documentation?

Welcome to the forums!!!
Don’t send any documentation to the CA. If you don’t owe this debt, then dispute with the credit bureaus. The credit bureaus will then investigate this matter and update your account status accordingly.

Fri, 04/12/2013 - 05:09 Permalink