Balance is getting higher and higher

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 12:10

I sent a certified C&D letter via mail to Ameriloan and CMG Group and both came back as return to sender. I'm constantly receiving emails and calls and the balance is getting higher and higher and I don't know what to do next to make them stop and to settle for the principal amount only.

paul (not verified)

since both are totally illegal you should see how much was borrowed,and debited by each.see you only owe the principle on both and anything debited gets deducted from that.these illegals can claim you owe 1,000.000.00 on these loans,and it doesn't mean jack.

Tue, 10/01/2013 - 15:18 Permalink
Anonymous. (not verified)

Both of your lenders are illegal. You owe them nothing more than the principal balance. No interest, no fees. Simply close down your old bank account and open a new one to stop debiting money from your account. Don’t share any personal information with them.

Wed, 10/02/2013 - 04:13 Permalink